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Fertile Diet Reboot
Welcome to the Fertile Diet Reboot (5:23)
Macronutrients Overview + Mindful Eating (20:24)
Carbohydrates (22:32)
Protein (16:32)
Fat (14:12)
Label Reading (12:29)
Blood Sugar Balance
Intro to Blood Sugar Balance (10:16)
Meal Timing (6:06)
Meal Planning & Snacks (24:01)
Introduction to Micronutrients (33:56)
Micronutrients for Fertility (22:57)
Micronutrient Superfoods (29:27)
Choosing a Prenatal
Purpose of a Prenatal (6:25)
Quality and Nutrients for a Prenatal (32:35)
Dangers in Our Food
Does Food Quality Matter (18:06)
Choosing Quality Foods (26:25)
Cooking Quality Foods (19:34)
Advanced Troubleshooting
Should You Remove Gluten/ Dairy? (14:54)
What's the Deal with MTHFR? (21:02)
Special Considerations for PCOS (14:53)
Special Considerations for Endometreosis (24:10)
Implementing a Fertility Diet in Real Life (16:25)
Bonus Content
Macronutrient Calculation Tutorial (6:20)
Instructions for Food Journal (2:29)
Implementing a Gluten/ Dairy Free Diet (20:03)
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